This is after forcing login to a store account:

At least they don’t hide in their ToS that:

“l agree to let Walmart monitor my use of Walmart WiFi, including to:

  • Determine my presence in Walmart stores
  • Associate information about me with my Walmart account
  • Improve products and services
  • Gather market insights about my in-store purchases and activities”

But that’s not enough, they need to monitor your internet activity further too.

For further reading, some greatest hits (the section headers on Wiki’s Criticism of Walmart):

  • Local communities
  • Allegations of predatory pricing and supplier issues
  • Labor relations
  • Poorly run and understaffed stores
  • No AEDs in stores (automated external defibrillators)
  • Imports and globalization
  • Product selection
  • Taxes
  • Animal welfare
  • Midtown Walmart
  • Opioids settlement
  • @[email protected]
    98 months ago

    complaining about a lack of privacy on a public wifi node is like complaining that people are perverts for looking at your genitals when you run down the street naked.

    • Transporter Room 3
      148 months ago

      More like “calling your neighbor a pervert when they offer you a place to shower when yours is out and you find out they’re taking videos” but okay

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        No, cause you have an expectation of privacy in a shower. You don’t have an expectation of privacy in public.

        No reasonable person has an expectation of privacy on a public wifi, hell most people wont even connect to a public wifi because they dont want to take the unnecessary risk. Especially with a public wifi provided by such stellar companies like Walmart.

        Which is why the entire argument is as stupid as getting angry at people looking at your junk when you’re running around naked in public.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      More like calling them perverts when they tell you that you can’t come into their store with your clothes on.