    812 months ago

    [DeSantis] then added, “The minute you go into these other things where all of a sudden people get elected district attorney and they release criminals, or they refuse to prosecute criminals, crime goes up. Well, actually, statistics don’t go up, because what they start doing, they stop reporting crimes. So they say, ‘Oh, this crime is down all these cities, and everyone’s scared to walk down the street.’ And no, it’s not that crime is down — it’s that the reporting is down. Because first of all, if you get mugged in some of these places, it’s not even worth reporting it. There’s never going to prosecute somebody for that.”

    So he makes a completely unsubstantiated statement regarding crime, then attempts to back up his claim with another unsubstantiated one regarding crime reporting. Makes perfect sense. 🙄

    I am glad some politicians and the media are finally starting to call out this type of shit as what it is: weird. We’ve been living in bizarro world for almost a decade and it’s about time the people in power got loud about calling out how fucking weird everything has become.

    • EleventhHour
      2 months ago

      It’s literally what he did with Covid statistics. In order to make it look like Covid disappeared in Florida, he simply stopped reporting test results, and then stopped testing altogether.

      • @[email protected]
        342 months ago

        Don’t forget that he sent state police to raid one of his public health officials home in the middle of the night because she dared to talk about his stats mishandling publicly.

    • @[email protected]
      412 months ago

      What he’s alleging is literally what the Trump administration did with things like the weather.

      Don’t like what the weather is doing? Just lie about it! If the weather scientists call you out on that, fire them!

    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      We’ve been living in bizarro world for almost a decade…

      Republicans have been in bizzaro land as long as I can remember, which is back to Regan in the 80s.