For the longest time, “liberal” seemed like it basically just meant “Democrat” the same way “conservative” has/had been used to mean “Republican.” Now, it seems like it means “bad Democrat” and is even worse than being MAGA the way many seem to use it. Where did its use as an insult within the [relative] political left come from, and what does it specifically accuse/identify someone of/as?

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪
    157 months ago

    I’m not really into this stuff, but from what I can tell, liberal became an insult purely because conservatives wanted to label liberals as inferior. That’s about it. Some leftists also use liberal as an insult, though to a lesser extreme.

    How conservatives use it, liberal means someone that is too sensitive, accommodating, weak, and evil (especially in Christian terms).

    How leftists use it, liberal means uneducated, hypocritical, insufficient, and turncoat/traitor.