• @[email protected]
      741 month ago

      That is a valid concern. We need to work hard for the next 90+ days to prevent that.

      He is a cornered animal and will fight more the closer we get to November.

      • Blackbeard
        271 month ago

        The fucker is already offering retirees “free” money by cutting taxes on Social Security income, which will blow a $1.6 trillion hole in the budget and increase the pace at which the entire system dries up and leaves us out to dry. And the scary thing is, some of these old idiots will fall for it.

        Shit’s gonna get crazy if his polling keeps slipping.

          • Blackbeard
            81 month ago

            I don’t disagree, but anyone who thinks that’s what Trump and his cronies are proposing is delusional.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          I would be all for not taxing Social Security, and using taxes on the rich to pay for it.

          I mean why are we giving them money to just take it away. It’s a Ronald Reagan thing, so that’s why it benefits the rich and kicks the poor.

          So, let’s fix it! Great idea!

          • Blackbeard
            41 month ago

            It was implemented under the Amendments of 1983, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support to save a program very much running on fumes. Two of the major compromises were a multi-decade increase of the retirement age (for Republicans) and an increase in payroll taxes (for Democrats). The tax on benefits took effect in 1984 and was designed only to impact upper income retirees. Then Clinton’s Congress added a second income tier for taxation in 1993, and the income tiers have never been adjusted for inflation, so like the minimum wage it puts pressure on lower and lower income Americans the longer it goes unaddressed while the value of a dollar falls. In essence, the regressive burden is very much due to the failure of every Congress since that time to clean up the requirements.

            To lay it at the feet of Reagan is…to put it mildly…overly reductive. Also you know damn well “fixing it” isn’t what Trump has in mind.

      • quicklime
        111 month ago

        It seems like there have been a lot of hints that he’s scheming to win in spite of the popular vote, through electoral vote and certification shenanigans, maybe an attempt to just make the situation muddy enough in enough different ways that it goes to his stacked Supreme Court in a manner partially reminiscent of the bullshit that installed GW Bush in 2000.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          The country should have taken up arms in 2000 when a Repub SCOTUS illegally decided the election for the Repub candidate.

        • Cethin
          21 month ago

          Possibly, but regardless vote. Force them to make that move and show their hand. Don’t just hand it to them.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      That’s a completely valid fear even if the predicted outcome was a landslide - the potential damage to our political stability is immense if he wins election. (He also might actively accelerate climate change and break a bunch of shit arguably more important than the American state).

      • Coelacanth
        91 month ago

        (He also might actively accelerate climate change and break a bunch of shit arguably more important than the American state).

        Might? Also don’t forget the impact on the geopolitical balance of power a Trump presidency would mean, especially at this precarious moment in time.

    • @[email protected]
      171 month ago

      The race was 60/40 Trump and now it’s 50/50. It won’t get to more than 60/40 Harris ever. Either candidate winning is an extremely realistic scenario.

      • @[email protected]
        161 month ago

        Because the US has a fucked up system where a small state vote is worth more than a vote from a populous state.

        It should be a simple popular vote and that’s it. Kill the electoral college and hopefully the Overton window will go left when no Republican president is elected for a few cycles.

        • @[email protected]
          61 month ago

          I think the Dems know that, but we need a real majority and we haven’t had that since… Clinton? Obama had blue dog democrats and Biden had his two senators holding him up. We also are more willing to than ever to go with simple majority, too, which helps.

          It would really turn the tide though, no way Dems aren’t considering it if we can get enough votes.

    • @stonerboner
      71 month ago

      There is a 100% chance Trump will lose the election. He may attempt another coup, but that’s not winning. That’s flipping the table and shitting on the game board.

      • Coelacanth
        331 month ago

        The chance of him legitimately winning is way, way higher than 0%. Now, that does not mean he isn’t also planning a coup. It seems he and/or the republican party very much is putting plans in motion.

        Regardless, don’t get overconfident, don’t get complacent.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          He’s going to try a coup whether he wins or looses. If he looses the election, he’ll lose the coup.

          If he wins the election, odds would be he’d win the coup, except Trump is a perpetual fuck up.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Confidence is good, but underestimating your opponent is not.
        That said, it does look like Trump is losing it, and if that continues, chances are good Harris will win.
        But it’s never over until it’s actually over. As in the votes have been counted.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        41 month ago

        You must get your info strictly by reading Lemmy communities. It’s easy to get that impression because we’re a pretty liberal in general, but not every poll puts her ahead, and this one doesn’t put her far ahead. We still need to work hard and get people to vote.

      • Cethin
        31 month ago

        Sure, but there’s still absolutely a threat that people just don’t vote for Harris. We need to actually win the election before we worry about anything after it going wrong. Assume the votes actually matter, and prepare for them not to. Don’t assume they won’t matter and not vote because that makes it so they don’t even have to cheat and be exposed.