• @[email protected]
    141 month ago

    I was 20 when TPM released and not a single person I knew liked it. It is still the most disappointing part of the franchise for me with ep2 being a close second. Ep3 was an improvement but still just ok.

    Now I see people in their 20s and early 30s that live the prequels and it’s just strange to me. They’re no better than the sequels (and worse in some ways) so I really don’t understand people that enjoy them while crapping all over the newer films.

    The prequels had a good story told incredibly poorly while the sequels have a bad story but at least it is told well (or at least better) and neither of those are recipes for a good film.

    • FenrirIII
      61 month ago

      I liked TPM, except for the scenes with Anakin. I just hated how he was written, and the acting didn’t help. Huuuuuuge crush on Natalie Portman though

      • @[email protected]
        91 month ago

        That kid did the absolute best he could with what he was given, and I feel very bad for him and the guy who played jarjar. They have both had some very serious issues because of the shitty starwars fans.

        • Zaemz
          31 month ago

          Man, I get so fucking bummed out every time I think of them. Can you imagine how excited and proud they were to be a part of goddamb STAR WARS?

          Then all the shit gets dumped all over them and they’re endlessly ridiculed for something they likely loved and were happy to be a part of.

          The total lack of empathy and compassion burns a hole in my stomach.

    • threelonmusketeers
      41 month ago

      The prequels had a good story told incredibly poorly while the sequels have a bad story but at least it is told well (or at least better)

      Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      I was also 20 when TPM was released. I hated everything about it at first. Then a couple years later when RLM made their review of the trilogy, it gave my thoughts new form, and I had to realize that what the prequels did well was establish a lot of lore and world building, which made TCW possible. Unlike most of the badly written EU books, it dared to deviate from X-Wings & TIEs, Han Solo and even the mysteries of the force. Even if we have forgotten gems like force speed, never to be used again.

      And TCW is the bomb.