Hello !aigen. I am your new moderator, having posted here a few sporadic times in the past year.

I’ve been making most of my gens with the Automatic111 webui, using the EpicRealism-Natural Sin model. I also use a bunch of different LoRa’s such as the InniePussy and PixReal Lora. I also pay for the GraydientAI service, which is a relatively cheap AI imageGen website/telegram bot service, which is useful when on e.g mobile. Feel free to share your models and setups in the comments below.

  • cammelspit
    13 months ago


    This is a new favorite for me. I am more into the Anime/Manga style over realism so this works for me well. One of the things I like about this one is it seems to be much easier to get good hands with a POS and a NEG Lora. I get six finger hands from time to time but nothing a little in painting won’t fix. I also don’t need to do anything with the eyes at all as the eye quality on this one is generally good and is perfectly styled for a more modern anime type look and feel. If you are going to an 80s Anime feel then this one is basically useless unfortunately. Another interesting bit of info here is if you are into some of the more… Messy?.. Fetishes, this one is for you. Just try making an image with the subject mud wrestling and you will get my drift. It’s almost revoltingly detailed so I presume whoever trained this one had a not insignificant amount of that kind of training data.


    This one is also pretty good but it can be way WAY more difficult to achieve acceptable results so this old favorite has been relegated to a close second place. The styling is more Anime art book that anime itself so it can be perceived as more detailed but IMHO, it’s kinda just different.