I don’t care about recording my data, I am behind literally seven thousand shoe0nheads, but I always used an spare account to watch YT with and I really cared about it and I ‘furnished’ it and — get this, since I understand ML shit a bit, I read state-of-art papers on recommender systems not to design my own recommender system, but to train Youtube’s recommender system to my whim. And then I realized I’m being extremely special-needs and I nuked it all. And I turn it off-and-on as I go. Seriously have you ever met someone who’s obsessed with YT’s recommender system as a watcher? Damn!

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    If you’re worried about google data collection, telling google to delete your data does next to nothing

    Use freetube on pc and newpipe on android for a more privacy-focused alternative

    Similarly, please proofread what you type. I almost had a stroke reading this