• @[email protected]
    621 month ago

    For all the people that insist that both sides are exactly the same - ask yourself why it is that people that are overtly racist, anti-semitic (not anti-Israel; those aren’t the same thing), homophobic, christian nationalist, etc. all vote Republican.

    • @[email protected]
      191 month ago

      I like to put it so the MAGAts understand - “Not all Republicans are white supremacists, but all white supremacists are Republican”

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      ask yourself why it is that people that are overtly racist, anti-semitic (not anti-Israel; those aren’t the same thing), homophobic, christian nationalist, etc. all vote Republican.

      There’s no shortage of racism among Democrats, particularly at the voter level. California has a super-abundance of liberal voters, despite being awash in police violence and the epicenter of some of the cruelest forms of slum clearance. NYC municipal and state leadership have demonstrated an unfathomable appetite for cruelty towards their communities of color and of LGBTQ.

      To say this is a purely Republican problem, you have to ignore everyone in the party from Joe Manchin to Lori Lightfoot to Biden himself.

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        Sad you are getting downvoted. This isn’t a boo both sides suck situation it’s a morality issue with white Americans.

        Clearly the republicans are much much worse but denying and ignoring democrats biases entrenches the problem imo.

        • @[email protected]
          61 month ago

          It does appear that why though when we are essentially facing a dictatorship from a GOP candidate. Not saying that you’re not correct, but having a moral conundrum on the only reasonable party candidate we have right now doesn’t seem the right answer. But, I’m purely thinking of my kids future — what future they may have after this election.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            1000% agree. It’s part of the entire problem. White people debating what is. And isn’t racist. Rather than a PoC saying. That was racist. And us internalizing that to make change.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              Totally agree with you. I just wish the internal party crisis that’s happening in the Dems wasn’t happening because it makes me think that Trump will win. It’s hard because I get WHY it’s happening — but this is the shit that keeps me up at night. My kids deserve far fucking better (we all do).

              Fuck white supremacy, anyway.

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                Yeah. It’s wild how such an ideology can take hold with a vocal minority. I understand wanting society to be able to change. But I don’t understand people wanting to go backwards socially or environmentally. It lacks all empathy imo. Sociopaths all around us 😐

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        That’s also a logical fallacy.

        You are conflating lack of effective choice with active support.

        In an effectively two party race, where both arguably are supporting a position (through action if not through ideology) there is no option where you aren’t effectively contributing to said position.

        Vote either way or not at all , you are contributing to the overall success of one party or the other.

        “Our genocide guy is better” is really the only option when there is no other practical choice.

        Even voting independent just supports whoever happens to be winning from the two main parties.

        What are you proposing is the practical option for people who don’t want to be “in support of parties involved in committing genocide”?

        To be clear i have no good answer to this either, just wondering if you do.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Right. I really fucking hate this dude is sending weapons to fund a genocide. But do I want to not vote or let some asshole who is going to make Americans life harder get the most powerful position in the world? Absolutely the fuck not. No one should be having to make these decisions, but here we are.