Thank you GabeSter

  • @[email protected]
    2030 days ago

    We can stop jerking this guy off now, he’s no longer the candidate. I think he was a shit candidate from the beginning, despite being worlds better than Trump.

    What could have been if we had Bernie…

    • YeetPics
      2530 days ago

      He did a commendable thing his opponent could never do. That is deserving of a meme. Stop being a stick in the mud lol

      • Takatakatakatakatak
        730 days ago

        Stop living in fantasy. He was forced out, under threat of the 25th amendment. This wasn’t some selfless act…he lost his faculties and had to be booted by his own party under threat.

        • @[email protected]
          930 days ago

          Clueless comment. He was not forced by anyone, maybe encouraged. Very clear what happened if you were paying attention; he made a public statement that he might not continue running if he fell ill, then promptly contracted covid and dropped out. Mike Johnson is too new to his seat to consider approving any action based on a25, Kamala would have to be the initiator of the process, and the only mentions I saw of it were well after the step-down.

      • @[email protected]
        330 days ago

        Fuck genocide Joe. Dudes selfish as fuck and only backed out when he realized he was gonna lose.