I recently stumbled across Cludflares trustpilot page and the reviews were completely mismatched from the way I have experienced people talk about them on forums. The reviews on trustpilot make them sound awful, but I have only seen recommendations for them on forums, often people say they are the best DNS provider.

Whats up with that? Does anyone know why there is such a disparity.

  • mox
    6 months ago

    As an advocate for the free and open internet I wouldn’t consider them a force for good any more than Google, Facebook or Amazon.

    They’re not only a centralised point of failure, but also a man-in-the-middle for so many sites that they can effectively track people all over the internet through web and DNS requests, and fingerprint browsers through CAPTCHA scripts, and even read people’s HTTPS traffic.

    I consider them a hostile actor.

    No organisation should have such pervasive access to people’s lives.