Of all of your interests, what is one that would be a “confession” to someone you’re in a new relationship with. When I say confession, I don’t mean a “Lets sit down and talk” thing, but something you’re hesitant to say immediately and would maybe be a little nervous about.

Mine would probably be my natural submissiveness to women. I’m switch but being submissive clicks with me mentally in a way that being dominant doesn’t. Many women I’ve known are submissive, so telling them I’m submissive to them would be something I’d be nervous about.

  • @[email protected]
    136 months ago

    I’m wired differently. Physically. Like, things that work for most men can’t possibly work for me because the sensitive nerve endings all grew in a different spot. It would become difficult because I’d have to find the heart to tell them and the ego hit of not being able to satisfy me normally might be too great that there’s the temptation to just fake it rather than admit that I’m a special case. Plus, early on in our relationship, who wants to do all that explaining? It’s easy to sound entitled. I could totally see it reaching grand confession proportions.

    • @dugmeup
      86 months ago

      If you don’t mind sharing… Which spot?

    • @pickleprojectOP
      76 months ago

      I could see that being really tough from your perspective. Have you had situations go south before?

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Yes, but wholesomely, it was mainly because I wasn’t clear about this sooner. I’ve been fortunate enough to have good communication in my partners.

        With that said, things can be complicated. It takes an open mind.