I just got permanently banned from a community for making a single harmless remark on a single post that was right there in the main feed. It’s not a community I’m super active in so it’s not like devastating, but it is annoying

If your precious little community is full of so many delicate sensitive people who can’t even be reminded that another viewpoint even exists, then you should really protect them by defederating and having everyone join your private website

The mod has literally removed like 75% of the comments and banned everyone lol

I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t have time to read every rule for every community that pops up when I’m in view all

  • @[email protected]
    256 months ago

    Not to be all “not like the other girls” about veganism, but I kind of hate the general vegan communities. They always end up turning into a who can hate meat eaters the most contest and the less extreme members usually leave. It’s also really frustrating because the goal should be to get more people eating plant based, and their methods just push people away. Yeah, of course I believe people should stop eating meat, and I struggle to understand how someone can acknowledge the cruelty of factory farming and turn around and eat a burger, but shouting them down isn’t accomplishing anything. I’m not going to engage with the people who show up just to talk shit, but I’m down to talk to anyone actually open to a conversation.

    That said, there are a lot of people who think it’s suuuuper funny to seek out vegan communities to make the same tired ass comments that lead to vegans becoming angrier and more insular, so I really don’t want to make this a Vegans Bad comment. I get the desire to tell people to fuck off. It’s exhausting to try to talk about a news article and be constantly drowned out by trolls.

    OP, I don’t know what your comment said, but you know whether or not you were engaging in good faith. Maybe you deserved the ban, maybe not. I just think maybe sometimes we could all stand to keep scrolling.

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      I struggle to understand how someone can acknowledge the cruelty of factory farming and turn around and eat a burger,

      Because cruelty is inherent to food production in most places in the west, to one degree or another. Even for non-factory farmed meat, there’s going to be some cruelty at the very end of an animal’s life, since event he most compassionate slaughter is still slaughter. But even going past that, to plant-based foods. in the US at least we rely on labor abuses in order to have groceries that are affordable. The migrants that pick oranges in Florida (or, picked; DeSantis is trying to eliminate undocumented immigrants, and the result is that farmers are having a very hard time finding labor) work in terrible conditions for horrible pay, conditions that no person protected by labor laws would ever accept. But we, as a society, are aware of this, and accept that this cruelty is necessary for us, because we won’t–or can’t–pay for produce that comes from co-op farms.

      We–all of us–pick and choose where we put our energy.

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      It’s also really frustrating because the goal should be to get more people eating plant based, and their methods just push people away.

      Why should that be the goal of the c/vegan community? Why can’t it just be for vegans to vent, and exchange advice/news about vegan food?
      This expectation that vegans need to always be positive and welcoming towards meat eaters barging into their vegan communities is exhausting and kind of ridiculous.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Oh I don’t feel like I need to be welcoming to people who have no intention of listening and are just there to be dicks. I just don’t want to push away anyone who might be open to the idea of changing their diet by immediately telling them what a terrible person they are for not doing it already. It’s important to me not just to reduce the harm I do, but to try to minimize it elsewhere if I can.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        It’s a fairly common tactic of evangelical religious groups to send young people out to proselytize; they say that they’re called to spread the religion to the whole world, and that the proselytizing is to save people by converting them. The tactics that the young people are taught are often antagonistic. An extreme example is the Westboro Baptist Church, but all evangelical religions use similar tactics. Unsurprisingly, very few people convert. The true purpose of antagonistic proselytizing is to reinforce in/out group status; the youth are rejected by outside people, while being praised by people within their own group. That reinforces their feelings of comfort and safety within their group, and makes it more difficult for them to leave. Leaving the safety of the group means that they’re severing their most intimate social connections, and that cost is too high for most people.

        This was my experience as a Mormon; this has been the experience of many Mormons, and of all people that have left high-demand evangelical religions.

        IF they really cared about getting more people to join their religion, they would be opening and welcoming to people, even people that were antagonistic to them. When you think about it from a PR standpoint, it should be clear that acting antagonistically towards people that simply don’t believe the same things–not people that are being antagonistic themselves–works counter to the purpose of persuasion.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          I get what you’re saying, but the idea that every vegan community must make it their goal to convert people, and act accordingly, is just wrong.
          What if they just want to shitpost among themselves?

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Then they can do so in the privacy of their own fora.

            Edit: the butthurt brigade has arrived!

            Don’t federate if you don’t want to federate.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        Well let’s not pretend people don’t routinely use the downvote as a disagree button. And you’ll notice I never said the mod in question was 100% right or wrong, just that I can see how people on both sides end up angry.

        • Aa!
          36 months ago

          Disagreement isn’t an invalid case for voting, despite what Reddit had people believing before.

          The voting system is to let people know how many people thought this content was good or not good for the feed. If you shouldn’t downvote for disagreement, then you shouldn’t upvote for agreement either

          But nobody has any problem with that