• @[email protected]
          24 days ago

          Dang, you’re right. Boomers went through 1964, and she was born in October 1964. So, still a boomer… She definitely acts more like Gen X. I bet being a poc has a hand in that.

    • KillingTimeItself
      106 days ago

      i really really hope that the kamala campaign is the start of a new left, much like the trump campaign was the beginning of a new right. If we continue moving this way, i forsee good things in our future.

    • @[email protected]
      797 days ago

      Holy shit, right? I genuinely have not been this optimistic about a presidential election since 2008. Don’t get me wrong - shit could still go sideways. But Harris at this point is absolutely SLAYING, and is mostly saying the right things on the right topics, and furthermore is CLEARLY on top of her game, and fully understands the stakes.

      • knightly the Sneptaur
        87 days ago

        It’s a fait accompli.

        Time to start planning for another business-friendly Democrat administration. It probably won’t have majorities in both houses, but it wouldn’t matter much even if they did manage to pull that off. Bipartisanship is the name of the Democrat game, and the next question is whether the Republican remnant will play ball or fall into infighting after whatever bloody nonsense their nutjobs get up to this time.

        • @[email protected]
          407 days ago

          Doomers and bothsides-ers can fuck off. While you people keep bitching and moaning, the adults in the room are trying to make the world a better place.

        • @[email protected]
          7 days ago

          Hey so maybe wait to see what Harris does after she takes office before you start shitting in the punch bowl?

          Like, I get it. I’m jaded as fuck about politics and the electoral system we’re forced to use. But I take it as a VERY promising sign that Biden actually stepped aside. Sure, maybe it was for the “wrong” reasons (age and senility, instead of wrongheaded policies and decisions and being desperately out of touch with younger generations), but I’m happy to take the win where we can get it. Harris is saying a lot of things that are overall resonating with a lot of people, including myself. I’m not deluded enough to think she’ll be a perfect champion of social justice and equality, but at the same time, what she’s saying so far is a damn sight closer to that than any politician I’ve heard since Obama was campaigning in ‘08.

          I’m willing to give her a shot. You should too.

          • knightly the Sneptaur
            107 days ago

            Don’t misunderstand, part of me is glad that it’s going to be Harris and Walz, but I have to be realistic with my expectations. A slightly slower crawl towards fascism and mass climatic genocide seems the best I should expect, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised.

            • @[email protected]
              86 days ago

              if you’re so worried about the imminent threat of a fascist dystopia and believe that the government will not stop it, why don’t you start taking matters into your own hands?

            • KillingTimeItself
              56 days ago

              please demonstrate the “slightly” aspect of fascism between the harris and walz campaign, and the trump campaign, i would really love to see this “slight” difference you speak of.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  5 days ago

                  palestine is fascist? They might be, they’re a war torn government and of middle eastern culture, so maybe.

                  Israel? They’re a democratic country, so uh. BB himself is wildly unpopular within israel. Those aren’t normally possible under fascism.

                  The US? The country almost subverted electorally. Only to push through on the sheer basedness of mike pence believing in democracy like a gigachad? TBF we have another election cycle coming up. But we’re doing fine at the moment so.

                  The US federal government itself due to it’s war actions? Seems highly unlikely to me, popular sentiment for this war is, not great. Granted i don’t know any statistics on this, so i may be wrong. Since you’re here, and criticizing the government for this one, even calling them “fascist” over it. I would probably venture to argue that this is wrong by fundamental reasoning.

                  I’m not really smelling any fascism here.

          • KillingTimeItself
            46 days ago

            btw if you hate our voting system, you should be working towards moving away from FPTP and to something like IRV, maine actually has IRV, and since states are delegated a lot of rights in this regard, it can put a lot of upward pressure on the matter.