Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?

    • @[email protected]
      355 months ago

      It’s amazing how effectively just hearing this from someone who has firsthand insight can put it in perspective.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        And yet this thread is full of comments both confidently and cynically proclaiming that it’s totally useless and only there for the lawyers yada yada

    • @[email protected]
      235 months ago

      I’m OK (now? currently? hopefully forever) but when I’m struggling I too appreciate the warning.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      The worst about ideation for me is that a few days/weeks/months later, I’m almost always thinking “I was willing to do that? Because of XYZ? That would’ve been so fucking stupid!”

      But in the moment your brain can just be like “topping yourself is clearly the only logical solution” and make you actually believe that shit.

      It’s wild.

      Sorry, I realise this is a bit off topic.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Funny the fictions we contrive for ourselves in our own heads.

        There’s a real need to get ones world view/beliefs and the insecurities and inner critics in line in order to survive it seems.

        That’s my latest conclusion, anyway. Distraction and drinking haven’t really helped. Shocking, I know…

    • Midnight Wolf
      65 months ago

      I’ve said this elsewhere in the thread, but I have had suicidal ideation… ‘events’ as well, never called though. If you want someone to talk to (anyone else, too! yes, that means you, hi!), reach out and message me. I know this shit all too well and I don’t mind in the slightest, talking to someone who needs - or just wants - to communicate with someone who ‘gets it’.

      No pressure, I just want to help others like myself.