Of all the schisms that cleave contemporary America, few are more stark than the divide between those who consider themselves to be victims of US history and those who fear they will be casualties of its future.

  • @[email protected]
    16 months ago

    I mostly agree with you about the bubbles. Getting outside your bubble is extremely important. It’s important that they get outside, but additionally it’s important for each of us to step outside our own bubble to make sure it isn’t happening to us. None of us is above that affect, and it’s instinctive to seek validation of our own preconceived notions. Trump has a propaganda machine working for him, but his opposition has an equally powerful machine working as well. Would you recognize it? Can you tell when it’s the machine and when it’s the truth? It’s pretty tough to separate out the noise, especially in a place like this that has an overwhelming sameness of opinion.