sigh I’m not happy I’m doing this either; maybe it’s the stress
I know the trope that this is playing on. I’m in collections myself for a lot of money for a partial heart attack scare (monitor your potassium levels!). It just feels icky to me since sexual assault of hospital patients absolutely does happen.
I guess for me it’s one thing to portray a doctor with a cheese grater (or the tens of other absurd variations on this meme) compared to an honestly more plausible sexual assault.
Then the double whammy of states just not helping women who want to carry to term but can’t.
All to say I see what the meme was aiming for, but I don’t love being raped as a punchline.
The only reason people think this is unfunny is because of the rape aspect which, while I understand most people see as not cool, doesn’t instantly mean it’s not funny.
sigh I’m not happy I’m doing this either; maybe it’s the stress
I know the trope that this is playing on. I’m in collections myself for a lot of money for a partial heart attack scare (monitor your potassium levels!). It just feels icky to me since sexual assault of hospital patients absolutely does happen.
I guess for me it’s one thing to portray a doctor with a cheese grater (or the tens of other absurd variations on this meme) compared to an honestly more plausible sexual assault.
Then the double whammy of states just not helping women who want to carry to term but can’t.
All to say I see what the meme was aiming for, but I don’t love being raped as a punchline.
This instances meme sub’s seem to have been devlolving into r/im14andthisisfunny for a minute now.
Its a shame lemmy’s gotten big enough for the big meme sub’s to be insufferable before it got big enough for the smaller ones to flourish.
It’s a fuckin shitposting community what the fuck do you people expect?
Funnier shitposts.
I mean it’s the same vein as
Gets a tattoo
Card declines
Tattoo artist pulls out a cheese grater
The only reason people think this is unfunny is because of the rape aspect which, while I understand most people see as not cool, doesn’t instantly mean it’s not funny.
That’s kind if my point. They tool an already existing joke and just made it less funny.
That’s like…all memes? Someone makes a joke and the internet repeats it ad nauseum.
I mean look at lemmy and the beans or jeans or beams. An already dumb joke recycled endlessly.
Yeah, seems mean spirited.