I saw some threads here about Telegram and piracy stuff being banned. So, as an experimental alternative, I created a public Signal group for piracy.

Maybe it’ll be useful?

Before joining

Signal supports usernames and hiding telephone numbers. Here’s a blog entry on how to do so. You might want to:

  • set a username
  • change your profile name (these are two separate things!)
  • hide your phone number
  • DaGeek247
    126 days ago

    You understand that, for everyone except for a complete network pro, that is worse for security and privacy, right?

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that you can.

    But the reason piracy websites struggle so much with long term stability isn’t because they’re hosting the wrong software.

    • umami_wasabi
      6 days ago

      If you don’t put trust on someone something, you left yourself to trust and do all the works. However, you don’t trust yourself either, sadly I can’t offer any solutions.