• @[email protected]
          27 hours ago

          db0 is an anarchist instance, do you even know what actual tankies do to anarchists or are you just repeating a buzzword you know nothing about?

          • @[email protected]
            15 minutes ago

            To be fair, terminally online psuedoanarchists have noone to blame but themselves for the word “tankie” spreading into wider use in the last year.

            • @[email protected]
              24 hours ago

              Not sure where I said anything about how people vote. Must be tough to keep track of who you call tankie when your definition for tankie is anyone you don’t agree with though, so I get it, honest mistake I suppose.

      • @[email protected]
        10 hours ago

        Encouraging people to vote third party in a two party system is enabling Fascism as those votes should go to Harris. Trump is a fascist. If you are arguing in good faith, I can explain why. But I feel like you’re not, hence, Tankie.

      • @[email protected]
        420 hours ago

        May have been misinterpreted as a flat “I would rather someone vote for a party other than Dem or Rep” without “than not vote at all” to contextualize it.

          • @[email protected]
            610 hours ago

            Voting for a third party in our two party system is throwing your vote away. Based on polling, a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump.

            Take whatever you have against Harris and balance it against what a second Trump administration will bring.

            TLDR it’s Fascism. Voting for any third party is signing off on Fascism.

            If you’re an accelerationist, your side is not going to win. What you want is terrible and you’re a terrible person.

            Tankie is the nicest way I could describe you.

            It’s actually far worse.

            You’re a Fascist sympathizer.

            • @[email protected]
              47 hours ago

              …I wonder what’s the chances you and your ilk are a maga psyop to counteract the “weird” meme by painting dem voters as maniacs.

              • @[email protected]
                26 hours ago

                If you’re voting 3rd party you’re not a Dem voter. You’re a Tankie trying to suppress votes and spread Fascism.

            • @[email protected]
              6 hours ago


              Fascist sympathizer

              I wonder what amounts of crowd mentality and brain stew is required to make someone equate two radical opposites.

            • @[email protected]
              29 hours ago

              “Anyone who doesn’t think exactly like me is a fascist.”

              Do you not see how this is abrasive? Do you think you are swaying anyone to your side with this kind of discourse?

              • @[email protected]
                38 hours ago

                So lets pretend for the moment that a green party candidate or another random 3rd party won.

                Do you think that they’ll have a mandate?

                What about their legislative agenda?

                They’re a lame duck.

                Without Congress to pass laws they are useless and they have no representation in Congress so that’s dead on arrival.

                If you legitimately want a 3rd party choice, then you have to advocate for ranked choice voting. Run for your local school board, local legislature. Coalitions are built from the bottom up, not the top down.

                Jill Stein can’t even bring herself to call Putin a war criminal. Makes me wonder who’s financing her campaign. I don’t care what her people said about it later, she is obviously compromised.

                Cornell West? He probably needs to make alimony payments and thought hey I can use this to sell a book.

                Look, Biden is far from perfect, and least Harris presents an option from a different path. Trump isn’t going to stop Israel. Did you see what Miriam Adelson made Trump promise to do for her support? Let Israel annex the West Bank.

                The only thing that might stop that is voting for Harris. And if you don’t, then you’re co-signing genocide. But that’s your choice. Tankies always go for the end justifies the means route. I guess that that means finishing up the Palestinian genocide. Better to kill em quick than to let them suffer longer right? Why not give Ukraine to Putin too right?

                • @[email protected]
                  47 hours ago

                  My guy, reread my original comment very slowly. I’m talking about people who would otherwise not vote.

                  I would rather someome VOTE than NOT VOTE. Period.

                  • @[email protected]
                    26 hours ago

                    They should vote for people who will advance their interests, not Russian plants to elect Trump to a second term.