• @[email protected]
    54 hours ago

    Lmao, devs who insist on using the VIM and the terminal over better graphical alternatives just to seem hardcore are the worst devs who write the worst code.

    “Let me name all my variables with a single letter and abbreviations cause I can’t be bothered to learn how to setup a professional dev environment with intellisense and autocomplete.”

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      You are making prejudiced, generalized, assumptions and presenting them as facts.

      You are at best naive if you think people use vim and a terminal instead of “better graphical alternatives” (which there are none of if you’ve really gotten into vim/emacs/whatever). And we don’t do it to seem hardcore (maybe we are, but that’s a side effect). Software in the terminal is often more simple to use, because it allows chaining together outputs and has often simpler user interfaces.

      The second paragraph is word salad. Developers should name their shit properly regardless of editor and it’s quite simple to have a professional dev setup with ‘intellisense’ and auto complete in neovim. In fact, vim/neovim and I assume emacs too have much more features and flexibility of which users of IDEs or vscode wouldn’t so much as think of.

      I assume your prejudice comes from the fact that vim is not a “one size fits all no configuration needed” integrated development environment (IDE) but rather enables the user to personalize it completely to their own wishes, a Personalized Development Environment. In that regard, using one of the “better graphical tools” is like a mass produced suit while vim is like a tailor made one.

      Just let people use what they like. Diversity is a strength.

      • @[email protected]
        33 hours ago

        I know it has a steep learning curve with no benefit over GUI alternatives (unless you have to operate in a GUI-less environment).

        Which makes it flat out dumb for a professional developer to use. “Lets make our dev environment needlessly difficult, slowing down new hires for no reason will surely pay off in the long run”.

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          52 hours ago

          This is it – the dumbest shit I’ll read today, and I was just dunking on Nazis.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hour ago

          I can run Neovim on my phone via Termux. I can run Neovim over SSH. I can run Neovim in tmux. That’s not possible with VSCode.

            • @[email protected]
              11 hour ago

              I have serve-web running as a service, but that only works well on desktop screen layouts — from my experience, it runs terribly on mobile. However, even then, my tab layout isn’t synced between devices. My tmux saves all of my open projects, so I could throw my phone in a woodchipper at any moment, pull out my laptop, and be exactly where I left off. Good luck doing that with vscode.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Or maybe…hear me out…different people like different things. Some people don’t like GUIs and enjoy working in the command line. For some other people, it’s the opposite.

      It’s just different preferences.