• Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
    13 months ago

    says philosophers should exercise more intellect

    gets called anti-intellectual

    There’s weapon’s grade something in this discussion but if it’s anti-intellectualism I ain’t the one bringing it son.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        13 months ago

        The quote was a hyperbolic answer to someone sarcastically suggesting I was trying to act smarter than everyone else because the question is an infamous example of self styled philosophers simultaneously over and under thinking questions.

        Overly obsessing the meaning they’ve read into what was originally posed as satire, and yet underthinking the details and implications of the scenarios they’re describing.

        We are expected to take the question as if we were there in person and yet they are not expected to adhere to a setting in which we could be there in person.

        It’s very “rules for thee…” and the fact that self proclaimed philosophers go so out of the way to insist on this supposed deep and foundational question really shoots the credibility of the profession to pieces if such a faulty question is actually as important to the lot as the people trying to insist I’m some uneducated ape for pointing out that “someone will die anyways” scenarios are inherently suspect.