Edit: update I decided on a CD. I may do an index fund in the future. This was a short commitment and easy to understand. Thanks everybody.
Edit: update I decided on a CD. I may do an index fund in the future. This was a short commitment and easy to understand. Thanks everybody.
So from what I’ve read after viewing this thread, I make a vanguard account, either get a money market fund or a brokered CD, put the money in, let it sit for awhile, and then profit years down the line?
Money market or CD is going to have terrible return. You will be lucky to match inflation. Get a low overhead SP 500 index fund. By low overhead I’m taking .15% or less. You should be able to find .125% with a bit of poking around.
5% is terrible? I have 13k in a 9 month CD at 5%
Almost a year and I get like $600, doesn’t seem so great to me but there’s no risk either I guess :/
SPY returns an average 12%
Then that compunds year after year.
Low risk but inflation is above 3% so you are looking at less than 2% effective granted it’s a fairly safe investment.