No, Clerks ceased to exist the moment Smith put out Yoga Hosers. That’s the way the world works. Everything later ruins earlier works and can delete them entirely if they’re bad enough.
He doesn’t even understand why people like clerks. Or at least ye pretends to. He always acts embarrassed that he made the movie and people still like it. He never did anything better and he never will. And i don’t think he cares, all he wants is to make a marvel Disney movie and make a billion dollars.
Later movies don’t impact earlier ones. Clerks is still a masterpiece.
No, Clerks ceased to exist the moment Smith put out Yoga Hosers. That’s the way the world works. Everything later ruins earlier works and can delete them entirely if they’re bad enough.
Fucking Brazis lmao. Still waiting on Moosejaws.
deleted by creator
He doesn’t even understand why people like clerks. Or at least ye pretends to. He always acts embarrassed that he made the movie and people still like it. He never did anything better and he never will. And i don’t think he cares, all he wants is to make a marvel Disney movie and make a billion dollars.
Needs sources.