I’m looking for media which contains sexual content, mostly web novels and manhwa, which fulfill these requirements.

The writer is not embarrassed and it shows in the work. At the same time, the writer is not hungry for power over people to make them do things against their will—mostly to reinforce their own ideas of their greatness by performing cruelties with a sneer on their face, or to consider these things necessary evils towards their goals.

In other words, the work involves good people who are not embarrassed (like restricting their sexual activity due to ‘morals’ or ‘propriety’, or other things which go against proper society).

It is fine if the actual sexual content is not the focus, and even if it is less.

Villains do what villains do, but I do not enjoy things like, for example, the witcher novels where you have 10 pages devoted to villains describing and performing cruel acts like wanton rape which is considered acceptable by normal people around in the book as long as they themselves are not the victim so trouble is avoided, and finally a few lines then of the titular character being on a boat, to then continue with other things unrelated to the above. Or ⅔ of pages in many instances devoted to describe the genitals of a 12 year old girl while she is in desperate situations. In other words, villains do bad things, yes. But how, and why, these are stopped by persons are one of the focussed elements of books I’m looking for. If such cruelties are in the stories in the first place. It would be good if some also actually gave the natural consequemces of committing such acts as performed by the villains, but surprisingly few have (and only in some instances) so far. As if it is completely unknown by all. I’m hoping this is due to me simply not being able to find the good ones.

It is surprisingly difficult for me to find these, the ones which really qualify without compromise. I know one which barely qualifies, that is all, and even then I had a feeling that the person making it is a bastard in one instance. In a relatively long web novel, uncharacteristically, sex was performed forcefully by the main character to a stranger suddenly, against will, and the pains and horrors of the victim were described fully. The action of raping a stranger at random. To add to it, the reason given was the main character couldn’t control his lust. It was completely uncharacteristic. So even this one does not qualify.

Anything without sexual content, if having the required elements (mostly would involve good people on the other side of the law) are also welcome in case anyone has any suggestions for those as well.

  • Sine Nomen
    42 days ago

    It might not be to your liking due to the BDSM-content, but the Sunstone comics are pretty good with consent and very sex positive people. Drama mostly comes from the normal relationships between the characters.

    The meta-story is that it is an exaggerated retelling of the protagonists’ real lifes and is thus relatively realistic.

    • @RtcOP
      113 hours ago

      I’ll check it. What I dislike is ‘actual’ having power to force against someone’s will. I’ll have to see this myself, but thanks for the suggestion.