• Chozo
        692 days ago

        Honestly, I kinda hope he can tell. I’d love for there to be a paper trail of me accepting $100 from Elon and then voting for Harris. Hell, I’d put the money toward renting a highway billboard as close to the Tesla HQ as possible showing the receipts. Fuck him.

      • @[email protected]
        2 days ago

        He can, though. In another post about Cards Against Humanity’s project, they explained how criminally easy it was to create a PAC, request and acquire voters information. They can see your registered voter information and who you’ve voted for in the past.

        Edit: Someone corrected me that they can’t see exactly who people voted for, but, they can see party affiliation, and if you voted. Going by that data, they can assume you voted for the party you’re affiliated with.

        • @[email protected]
          72 days ago

          Voting records don’t show whom you voted for. They do show party affiliation, which they can infer from.

          • @[email protected]
            12 days ago

            Sorry, so they can see if you voted and party affiliation, and based on that, they are paying people more or less $, assuming affiliation to a party ment they voted for that party.

            • @Good_morning
              218 hours ago

              So which party are they paying the most? I’m assuming it’s only certain states

              • @[email protected]
                216 hours ago

                CAH are paying more to people who voted republican last election, only if they post on social media why they are voting democrat this time, and their plan to go out and vote.

                I can’t find the page from a few weeks ago anymore though, apologize.lol links to a different page of Cards Against Humanity’s campaign where I can’t see the FAQ anymore.

        • @[email protected]
          32 days ago

          I’d like to see that source. The voter information should be limited to their registered address and what primary or caucus they voted in - not their individual votes, which are anonymized. At most, a PAC should only be able to infer (from the voter information alone) a likelihood of which political party the voter is associated with. Now, if they take that voters info and combine it with open source intelligence, social media, advertising intelligence/marketing data, they can make much better assumptions.

          At the locality level, the voter is issued a serialized ballot. The local township, city, whatever keeps a log that “voter x received ballot Y”, but that’s where the association ends. Before being tabulated (read by the optical scanning machine and dropped into a sealed chamber), an election official removes to perforated strip containing the serial number, and the voter deposits the ballot (deserialized) into the tabulator. There is no input to the tabulator to indicate which ballot, or which voter was just processed.

          The registration receipts and ballots (without serial numbers) are kept by the locality under seal for a designated retention period.

          Source: local election official

          • @[email protected]
            2 days ago

            For some reason when I upvote posts they dissappear for me even if I search.

            The website linked that CAH made was apologize.lol and they had a FAQ section saying how they and Musk are doing this with their PACs and how it should be illegal. Looks like they changed that site too, since I first saw it a few weeks ago, I can’t find that faq section anymore

            Cards Against Humanity are paying people more or less depending on how they voted last election, according to the records they collected.

            Edit: found solution to the dissappearing upvoted posts

    • @[email protected]
      432 days ago

      Highly doubt Musk will pay, also hilarious that the reason is “to protect constitutional rights” when the person who he is endorsing has 0 integrity for that asides for freedom of his own speech…