13% of Democrats agree with Trump on that.

What the actual fuck?

  • archomrade [he/him]
    14 months ago

    This might be a controversial take, but I don’t think racist bigotry is an intelligence thing

    The study and measure of intelligence itself is a piece of the rationalization of racism.

    We owe a lot of our scientific inheritance to genociders and racists and eugenicists - I wouldn’t be quick to assume the MAGA base is just a bunch of dimwitted Americans.

    • Ben
      14 months ago

      When 33% of the population agree that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ - what’s your take on that?

      Should we assume that some very well balanced people believe that foreigners have poisonous blood?

      • archomrade [he/him]
        04 months ago

        My take? That a third of the american population has taken a liking to fascism.

        Fascism isn’t borne out of stupidity, it’s borne out of greed and desperation. Sure, some of those people are probably as dumb as a bag of rocks (any slice of the american population is liable to have a few), but most are likely just your average-intelligence american who has taken their feelings of fear or envy and rationalized them into fascism.

        People like Josef Mangele don’t become famous because they’re dumb - they become famous because they end up wielding their intelligence against humanity. If we were to assume that everyone with those beliefs is dumb, we’d misunderstand what motivates them and we’d waste our time trying to educate them out of bigotry.