What are your worst interviews you’ve done? I’m currently going through them myself and want to hear what others are like. Dijkstras algorithm on the whiteboard? Binary Search? My personal favorite “I don’t see anything wrong with your architecture, but I’m not a fan of X language/framework so I have to call that out”

Let me hear them!

(Non programmers too please jump in with your horrid interviews, I’m just very fed up with tech screens)

  • @Test_Tickles
    13 hours ago

    Ya, that shit is infuriating. I used to work for a very small company in an area that is dominated by oil companies and all the associated companies that support them. It was really hard for us to compete for people with experience.

    • Insert chopping noises here.*
      I had to cut out a 30 minute rant about why it sucks to try to hire in an oil dominated market… Sigh
      The short of it was that we so rarely had the “perfect” candidate for a given position that it was actually really painful on the very rare occasions that we had more than one that was perfect.