• Flying SquidM
    411 hours ago

    The population of Israel is almost 10 million people. Much like Trump’s plan to deport around that many brown people, it’s only doable with concentration camps.

    Maybe the solution to genocide isn’t more genocide.

    • @[email protected]
      310 hours ago

      I’ve always thought a disarmed single state solution with a protected right of return to the country (not the specific land parcel) would be a hilarious end to Israel. Let actual democracy destroy the apartheid state.

    • @[email protected]
      311 hours ago

      Majority of Israel support what their government is doing in Gaza. This won’t end just because a foreign power decides to enforce a ceasefire and maybe some kind of simple recognition of Palestinian statehood. There’s way too much bad blood, and most of it is on Israel’s hands. If this happens we’ll have a middle eastern version of North and South Korea. And given how the US backs Israel unconditionally, it’s only a matter of time before they re-attempt their settlement of all of Palestine. Because who’s going to stop them?

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        Have you read any of the works of Ilan Pappe or Avi Schlaim on a One-State Solution? If not I think you’d benefit from their findings and perspectives.

        While Ethnic Cleansing is fundamental to Zionism, I don’t consider it fundamental to Israelis. A One-State Solution where Israelis and Palestinians have equal rights is possible if not inevitable considering the settlements in the West Bank.

        I do agree that unconditional US support of Israel and Zionism is the main problem preventing any semblance of peace. A Regime Change is necessary.

        How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

        ‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

        One State Solution, Foreign Affairs

        • @[email protected]
          410 hours ago

          No, but I did explain why a major shift in Israel’s dynamic is required for any kind of meaningful peace. Just like countires like Canada or America did with its First Nations population as means of mending relations given how many horrific things hey did. I never said anything about genocide, all I said that a lot of land should be given back and if people don’t like to live in a Palestinian state then they should leave. Nowhere did I say anything about any kind of concentration camps or anything of the sort.

          A bullshit empty platitude of a two-state solution made by the leader of a nation on the other side of the world that is clearly meant to appease both sides of a conflict while wholeheartedly arming and supporting one is not a a solution at all.

          • Flying SquidM
            10 hours ago

            Yes, I know what you did do. It’s about what you didn’t do.

            I am not a random soapbox for your political points. If you can’t address what I said, you’re essentially just trolling.

            • @[email protected]
              510 hours ago

              I know what I said and I know what I didn’t say. I said Israel can give the land back to Palestinians and make concessions to begin mending the relations. I did not say 10 million people should be displaced. I did not say the people leaving should be put into concentration camps or anything of the sort. I even gave you a historical example where a colony ended up giving land back and there were no such mentions of genocide or concentration camps.

              You want to disagree with me then fine. But don’t put words in my mouth and label me as a Troll just because you don’t like what I said.

              • Flying SquidM
                210 hours ago

                This you?

                Id rather they be tried and convicted like we did to the Nazis at the Nuremeberg trials, but I’ll settle for them leaving, sure.

                Because that sure sounds like deporting 10 million people to me. Which, again, would require concentration camps whether or not you would want it to.

                • @[email protected]
                  610 hours ago

                  No that’s me responding bluntly to an equally blunt and binary question. You just made your own assumptions and conclusions from it.

                  • Flying SquidM
                    110 hours ago

                    You just made your own assumptions and conclusions from it.

                    If you don’t want people to do that, be clearer. It’s not my job to make you understood.

                    So you wouldn’t “settle for” 10 million people being forcibly deported? You concede that would be an extremely unethical and immoral thing to attempt?