More than 200,000 people had canceled their digital subscriptions by midday Monday, according to two people at the paper with knowledge of internal matters. Not all cancellations take effect immediately. Still, the figure represents about 8% of the paper’s paid circulation of 2.5 million subscribers, which includes print as well. The number of cancellations continued to grow Monday afternoon.

  • catsarebadpeople
    15 months ago

    There are thousands of online stores, not to mention brick and mortar where you can buy everything you need.

    This question shows you’re either a troll or a moron.

    Have you got a substitute for… A place to buy stuff? No not a single substitute? You really can’t think of any vendor other than Amazon? Be better

      • catsarebadpeople
        5 months ago

        So, a liar and a troll. Got it. Holy shit you’re actually responding to every comment with complete nonsense. What a loser lol.