By default, Lemmy allows downvotes globally. However, when a server disables downvoting, it is similar to using a feature that is usually reserved for enterprises and very small, non-federated communities.

If a user prefer to not see downvotes, they can disable it by his favourite client settings, but the rest of the community should not miss this functionality for the pleasure of few users.

  • This is a load of horse shit. If something gets downvoted cos its xyz and all xyz content gets downvoted but the xyz content is in a community of xyz. Then the net effect is zero.

    Also i swear to god the admins are fucking with me by unblocking the people and communities ive blocked previously.

    If u cant handle a couple downvotes then u probably shouldnt be making porn.

    • Lvxferre [he/him]
      4 months ago

      This is a load of horse shit. If something gets downvoted cos its xyz and all xyz content gets downvoted but the xyz content is in a community of xyz. Then the net effect is zero.

      People don’t browse only by “subscribed”, nor they know magically all communities with their desired content. As such no, the net effect is not zero because the downvotes still affect the visibility of the whole community, reducing its discoverability and of the content within it.

      Also i swear to god the admins are fucking with me by unblocking the people and communities ive blocked previously.

      That’s likely a bug, and irrelevant in this discussion.

      If u cant handle a couple downvotes then u probably shouldnt be making porn.

      True but irrelevant. Specially because what I’m saying does not apply just to porn, it applies to every bloody type of original content, SFW or not. And we definitively do not need reasons to discourage OC production here.