Tom Hanks says moviegoers are no longer interested in VFX spectacles and are returning to good storytelling.

  • snooggums
    114 months ago

    He is right, but overlooking a major detail when it comes to flops.

    Spectacle movies have consistently flopped when the story sucks. The early Marvel movies were fairly solid and built up the brand, Nolan’s Batman trilogy was pretty solid, and even Snyder’s DC fare was doing ok even if it would have been far more popular by not rushing overstuffed BvS and Justice League.

    But Green Lantern flopped in 2011, and like the newer movies that are flopping the massive budget was the main issue. Spectacle on its own was never enough to draw in enough butts in seats to make a $200 million dollar budget movie profitable. Even more so now that there are multiple movies with $200 million dollar budgets competing for the same viewing audience.

    So yeah, the story side has been dragging down the more recent comic book movies overall but the real killer is the massive budgets. Deadpool didn’t actually need to trade the spectacle for story, but they did need to aim for a reasonable amount of spectacle.