I just ask incase someone has something enlightening to say. Is there going to be any level of sanity left, anywhere, while the government is going to be the nightmare circus that it’ll be in within these next 4 years?

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    See, I’ve completely checked out at this point. It’s not because of trump. Trump is the symptom. If it weren’t him, it’d be some other asshole. For me the cause is this overwhelming notion that it’s us vs them. Where every issue needs to be seperated by culture. Lets take one example. This isn’t the defining example. The concepts apply to all examples, but we don’t have time on Lammy to read millions of examples. So we’ll look at this one example to get the idea.

    Let’s look at abortion. The left says it’s a necessary tool of health care to protect the lives of women nationwide. And the right says it’s an evil tool of the libs to murder babies.

    And so you say “Wow, those are some widely polar opposite stances. Ok, so let’s see if we can find some middle ground to work towards a peaceful agreement.”

    And the most basic, fundamentally agreeable stance that requires no risk of being morally wrong, would be an incest rape baby. A father rapes his 12 year old daughter. Surely THAT baby, which by definition is inbred, and will likely require a lifetime of medical treatment to care for all sorts of medical mutations, not to mention a lifetime of mental health issues caused by the bullying that comes from a lifetime of being inbred. Surely THAT baby should be allowed to not exist a lifetime of pain.

    And the reaction we’ve seen both verbally and by law, is, no. No abortions. No exceptions. It’s the womans fault for getting pregnant. This is god punishing you.

    Because anytime there’s a disagreement, they pull the god card. When they can’t logically justify their behavior, god works in mysterious ways. So bow down and bend over.

    And somehow, these decisions that god made ALWAYS benefit rich billionare assholes. Because god is an all seeing, all knowing, all loving omnipresent being with control of the entire universe…and yet he just can’t seem to manage his money on earth. So he needs you to donate to his churches, and he needs you to donate to the politicions who use his name in political campaigns. And he needs you to understand that even incest rape babies need to grow up, and give their money too. No child left behind…or something along those lines.

    And so you begin to realize there is no compromise with these people, because they don’t WANT compromise. They don’t want peaceful. They want to attack any belief you have. They want to find out what you stand for, so they know how to stand for the opposite of that. Whatever it is.

    You could say “I want to be a good neighbor, and follow in the footsteps of Mr Rodgers.”


    So trump will pass. 2028 trump will be gone. Just as reagan is gone. Just as nixon is gone. Although to be fair to nixon, had it not been for the scandal, he actually had SOME decent policies. Whereas reagan was just one big ball of hate. But, reagan is gone, and his policies still haunt us. Ready for the next asshole to take the reigns. And he’ll have full control of the government. He’ll be able to reign supreme. I’m 41. His policies will affect me at 71. Long after he’s dead, and I’m old. His actions now will do nothing to slow global warming. He’ll speed it up. But again, he’ll be gone. The next asshole after him will do the same. Then after him the next asshole will do the same.

    So I’m at a point where I’ve lost my empathetic duty to protect anyone from themselves. I’ve lost any patriotic duty that this country is great, or ever will be great. Because if republicans are going to be this ultimate source for evil, then democrats need to be an ultimate source for good. And they’re not. This isn’t a “both sides” issue. This is “republicans are organized and meticulous with how evil they are, and what they want to accomplish” whereas democrats have their finger up their own ass, don’t learn from history, and lack the balls to take stern action. So the republicans gain power, march 5 steps to the right, then democrats march 1 step to the left. They aren’t both evil, but one is clearly making permanent progress.

    So I’ve come to the conclusion that this is what our country is. Our country is racist. Our country is an asshole. Our country is willfully ignorant. Our country is unaccepting of others. Our country historically has killed opposition in ways that were no better than the nazis. In fact, the nazis cited Americans genocide towards native americans as inspiration for their camps. And our country has a leader that campaigned on the concept of cruelty. He campaigned on the concept of racism. He campaigned on the concept of hate.

    And America made a choice. They said “Yes.”

    Trump is not the problem. If America wasn’t into it, they’d have said no. If trump came in, and spouted hate, and won only states like idaho, and nebraska, while Harris won 40 some states? Then the next republican would know “I can’t use that platform.”

    But now, whoever is after trump, will know that hate works.

    This is our fault collectively. This is Americas fault.

    • @[email protected]
      124 months ago

      I don’t think any country in history has ever recovered from hate like this without being invaded and militarily destroyed first.
      Which isn’t an option anymore, due to nukes.

      • @[email protected]
        94 months ago

        This has had me deeply concerned. Nazi Germany was stopped. Who says what would have happened if there was no one to stop them?

        At the moment I don’t believe there is anyone capable of stopping us… :(

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          On the other hand, Nazi Germany killed an estimated 6 million people.
          WW2 killed an estimated 70–85 million.

          I know it’s a cynical comparison, and pacifism isn’t a popular stance in the best of times, but still…
          IMO war is always the worst of all options. But sometimes it’s the only one.

          • Nougat
            64 months ago

            Nazi Germany exterminated ~6 million Jews, and ~6 million more other various undesirables.

      • Fubber Nuckin'
        54 months ago

        I mean, it is an option technically. If we all just went extinct we wouldn’t have any more racists.

        • topher
          24 months ago

          some say a comet will fall from the sky, Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by billions of dumb-founded dipshits Some day the end is near Some say we’ll see armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit…

          One great big festering neon distraction I’ve a suggestion to keep you all occupied: learn to swim

          Mom’s gonna fix it all soon. Mom’s coming round to out it back the way it ought to be…

          Tool - Aenima