Process on an image processed by Gerald - Enhancement of colors

📸 NASA/JPL/SWRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Thomas Thomopoulos

  • Fuck spez
    24 months ago

    I mean, aren’t most images from orbiters and space telescopes heavily processed before the public ever sees them?

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Of course, what they call “camera” might be a high-res spectrometer, plus there may be stacking, tiling, digital optics correction etc. However, the camera did capture a visible-light picture so it has a “natural” interpretation (you can convert it into a “human POV”) and this is not that. It probably does not even convey extra information (such as exact wavelengths our cones cannot distinguish) so it’s akin to just using a solarization filter on a normal color CMOS camera photo.