Hi everyone, I’ve been building my own log search server because I wasn’t satisfied with any of the alternatives out there and wanted a project to learn rust with. It still needs a ton of work but wanted to share what I’ve built so far.

The repo is up here: https://codeberg.org/Kryesh/crystalline

and i’ve started putting together some documentation here: https://kryesh.codeberg.page/crystalline/

There’s a lot of features I plan to add to it but I’m curious to hear what people think and if there’s anything you’d like to see out of a project like this.

Some examples from my lab environment:

events view searching for SSH logins from systemd journals and syslog events:

counting raw event size for all indices:

performance is looking pretty decent so far, and it can be configured to not be too much of a resource hog depending on use case, some numbers from my test install:

  • raw events ingested: ~52 million
  • raw event size: ~40GB
  • on disk size: ~5.8GB

Ram usage:

  • not running searches ingesting 600MB-1GB per day it uses about 500MB of ram
  • running the ssh search examples above brings it to about 600MB of ram while the search is running
  • running last example search getting the size of all events (requires decompressing the entire event store) peaked at about 3.5GB of ram usage
  • @LiPoly
    34 months ago

    Kudos on the project! I often thought about building something similar myself, because I wasn’t happy with what’s out there. Everything is so complicated to set up and way too oversized for a simple log collection service, or the UI is just bad and super unintuitive for no reason. Glad you’re brining some new wind into the space.