Currently downvotes are enabled on a trial basis, this was done by me to see if they can be enabled to prevent spam from rising to the top of communities, along with the fact that is another form of interaction/feedback.

However I’ve gotten some pushback for this and so I’d like to see the general consensus of this decision. Please put any comments/concerns in this thread, and please vote here: (Link gone poll is done)

the results of this poll and the comments will determine if we keep or remove downvotes again

  • @c0TPc0h9tqTLylmviUC1
    14 months ago

    Nice /s Downvotes are disabled again, I checked my comment but I don’t have any way of knowing how many people disagree with me or don’t believe I contributed meaningfully to the discussion.

    Downvotes are not personal guys, this is not Facebook.

    Not upvoting something will result in a post not gaining much traction, but there is no way to send a post down the feed if it’s not appropriate for a community.

    I guess I now need to start reporting posts that are out of topic