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The original was posted on /r/gonewildstories by /u/TheThickSelf on 2023-08-07 20:09:39.

I’m a 19 year old female and I used to be in a serious relationship before where I got fucked and got my pussy ate out almost daily. Well we broke up so all of that came to an end. It had been 7 and a half months since I had gotten fucked or had my pussy licked. After we first broke up I was depressed so didn’t feel horny then but then after about a month without even masturbating I realized how much I missed fucking and getting ate out. I became extremely horny and it was driving me crazy! I held off as long as I could but couldn’t stand it anymore and after almost 2 months of nothing I finally had to masturbate to try and get some relief and try to satisfy myself and it helped some but it just wasn’t enough. I was never completely satisfied and my pussy was always longing for more attention and it ached for a man. Sometimes I couldn’t even orgasm from masturbating so sometimes I would just go unsatisfied and unhappy and just continue to feel horny all the time. I needed a man so bad!! I needed my pussy ate out and to get fucked or I was going to lose it! I had never been so horny in my life! I had to do something soon or I was going to die! I continued to masturbate like crazy in hopes of getting some satisfaction. I masturbated several times every single day. Rubbing and fingering myself like crazy and would finger fuck myself. It still wasn’t enough. I about went out and tried to find anyone who would fuck me and eat me out. That’s how badly I needed it. I tried to think of other things I could use to fuck myself with but had no luck. I had no sex toys and was wondering if those would even help. I was unhappy and didn’t think I would ever be sexually satisfied again and it drove me absolutely nuts. I begged for it in my head every day. Something needed to happen soon or I was going to to go completely crazy. One night, my girl best friend ask me to go out in a bar nearby and something not so unexpected things happened.

Just comment below if you want to read the Part 2.