Yeah I think that’s a fair point. I feel like meat eaters often use the utility of the carcass to justify the death - “They use every part of the chicken, nothing goes to waste”.
A lot of people do seem to think eating it is a more justifiable death then gambling on the life then disposing of the carcass, but maybe a beakless immobile battery hen would disagree.
All life gets eaten by something eventually, so consumption itself can’t be immoral.
Yeah we are not talking about the consumption part, we are talking about the killing part. If you find a dead squirrel or deer, it’s not immoral to eat them. Ending someone’s life against their will is though, it doesn’t really matter what your intentions are.
There is probably cases where you could try to morally justify anything (like in a survival situation I guess?) but I personally would try to abstain from killing under any circumstance.
The morals around eating animals are luckily not that vague. You do not need animal products to live (say all major dietician organizations) so the only reasons people are eating meat is out of habit or for taste. And pleasure does not justify killing a sentient being.
I did not compare them, they just have the trait you claimed was the justification for killing animals. Humans are animals and a subset of us have the trait you described. I just pointed out that is not a good justification.
Yeah I think that’s a fair point. I feel like meat eaters often use the utility of the carcass to justify the death - “They use every part of the chicken, nothing goes to waste”.
A lot of people do seem to think eating it is a more justifiable death then gambling on the life then disposing of the carcass, but maybe a beakless immobile battery hen would disagree.
The “nothing goes to waste” argument just ignores the victims life though. They did not want to die.
Also seems like a pretty easy solution then to just eat the killed bird and bing bang bosh: cock fighting is morally justified.
i Look at it this way. All life gets eaten by something eventually, so consumption itself can’t be immoral.
Causing suffering to the living certainly can be.
Yeah we are not talking about the consumption part, we are talking about the killing part. If you find a dead squirrel or deer, it’s not immoral to eat them. Ending someone’s life against their will is though, it doesn’t really matter what your intentions are.
What if someone ran over that dead deer. They killed it. Is it okay to eat a dead thing if someone else kills it?
Intention is what you’re looking for. It is immoral to intentionally kill someone.
I appreciate you sharing your moral perspective with me.
Do you have any fringe cases where intentionally killing someone is morally justified?
There is probably cases where you could try to morally justify anything (like in a survival situation I guess?) but I personally would try to abstain from killing under any circumstance.
The morals around eating animals are luckily not that vague. You do not need animal products to live (say all major dietician organizations) so the only reasons people are eating meat is out of habit or for taste. And pleasure does not justify killing a sentient being.
you don’t know what anyone needs. you’re not their doctor or dietician.
there is no proof nonhuman animals understand personal mortality, so we can’t say they have a will to live
A toddler or a mentally disabled person can’t understand morality. I wouldn’t personally kill and eat those.
comparing mental disabled people to children is insulting. comparing them to animals is fucking gross.
I did not compare them, they just have the trait you claimed was the justification for killing animals. Humans are animals and a subset of us have the trait you described. I just pointed out that is not a good justification.
I didn’t try to justify it at all. I said that you are making unfounded claims.
I think you misread mortality as morality
Ah, you are right, I did. I believe the same can be said about mortality though.
you could look for literature to support your claim.
Yeah, it’s such a prevalent attitude but I agree it doesn’t hold water.
I suspect being unaware of the amount of unnecessary suffering in meat production probably plays a role too.