I love my favorite games and have been playing them for years, but I disliked about 99% of the games I played.

I don’t think I have FoMO or anything; I just find it weird because my taste in music, film, or art/media in general is usually fairly broad. I guess I just wonder why my taste in games is aggressively limited.

It’s not for the lack of trying new games; I’ve tried more or less anything I could find, sometimes because it’s popular, other times because it looked interesting, but nothing really hits the mark like my favorite games.

I just don’t like what most developers create, I guess?

I’m hoping, by posting this, maybe I can find others who are having a similar experience, and we can share thoughts.

  • Elle
    113 months ago

    Saw where you mentioned being into fighting games, action games, & shmups, so I wonder which games you find yourself bouncing off of more.

    Along with reasons other have mentioned that are similar to my own (many games demanding a lot of time, better finding what games really click with me, etc.), I’ve also been put off by other details (hyper-monetization, big budget photorealistic & cinematic styles, etc.). Personally it’s less being into very few games, and more being into more specific kinds of game design and creative style, which are sometimes harder to find.

    Like not being into drawn out progression systems immediately narrows one’s options pretty significantly, especially among many recent games.

    • mohabOP
      13 months ago

      Oh, absolutely. It probably has a lot to do with falling out of favor with current design and monetization trends, I agree.

      Some of the games I’ve been playing for years: Guilty Gear, Under Night In-Birth, Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101, Crimzon Clover, Smash TV, and Catherine.

      Which games do you keep going back to?

      • Elle
        23 months ago

        Mainly games built for replaying, so arcade puzzlers like Super Hexagon/Tetris Effect/Mixolumia/Equaline/etc, roguelikes such as FTL/BrogueCE/etc, or strangesims like Powder Toy or Vilmonic. Although even with those it’s more occasional, like when I’m uncertain of what I’m wanting to do.