I love my favorite games and have been playing them for years, but I disliked about 99% of the games I played.

I don’t think I have FoMO or anything; I just find it weird because my taste in music, film, or art/media in general is usually fairly broad. I guess I just wonder why my taste in games is aggressively limited.

It’s not for the lack of trying new games; I’ve tried more or less anything I could find, sometimes because it’s popular, other times because it looked interesting, but nothing really hits the mark like my favorite games.

I just don’t like what most developers create, I guess?

I’m hoping, by posting this, maybe I can find others who are having a similar experience, and we can share thoughts.

  • Elle
    33 months ago

    There have been a few titles that I think reach that potential, but most of them are quite old now.

    Don’t leave us hanging! Quality endures the ages, well, mostly.

    • ProdigalFrog
      3 months ago

      Personally, I would say:

      • Thief 1, 2 & 3
      • Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis
      • Mafia 1 (not the remake)
      • Gemini Rue
      • Deus Ex (Game Dungeon has a great video on why the story punches so high, link to relevant segment here)
      • Disco Elysium (even though I personally didn’t really care for the game due to the setting, the writing is undeniably high quality)
      • A Mind Forever Voyaging

      All of those games have, IMO, a tremendously good sync between gameplay and story, where everything lines up to the point where you can become fully absorbed into whatever experience the writer/designer crafted. I would say Thief accomplishes it the best, while Mafia’s and Deus Ex’s clunky gameplay hold them back, but I can see what they were trying to achieve, and overall are close enough to my ideal.

      • Elle
        23 months ago

        That’s a fun mix, Gemini Rue was a pleasant surprise to see!

        You might also enjoy Primordia given that.

        • ProdigalFrog
          3 months ago

          Oddly enough I actually pre-ordered a physical copy of Primordia, and got a ways into it before stopping for some reason. I should really go back and finish it!