I understand that BJs are more likely to be given to those with neat manscapes. For this reason, and general aesthetic preference, I’ve been tending to my brambles for some time with varying methods and likewise varying degrees of success.

My best success came from electric clippers to get the rough out of the way and Nair to clean up the remainder. I’ve met with limited success on my scrotum as, being a wrinkly terrain, the electric clippers like to nab bits of my flesh. Nair seems to have trouble with untrimmed hairs though so my solutions so far leave by scrote and bunghole with some lingering strays.

Recently, I decided to just smother the whole everywhere with a thick spread of Nair, after removing the easy bits with electric clippers, and leaving the Nair on for its maximum recommended duration.

This did not work. Aside from the hair that still clings to all my nooks and crannies, I now have a yeast infection…

What is a body to do? Permanent laser treatment runs upward of three thousand dollars, I’m thinking there must be a halfway solution around here somewhere though.

Does the community have any solutions to recommend?

  • @sexdrakma
    3 months ago

    Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal uses a very bright white light to damage the hair follicles. This will make the hair thinner and finer over time, and theoretically can permanently damage the follicles to remove hair completely. You can buy hand held home devices, though the process is time consuming for large areas like the legs. The procedure I use is to shave, exfoliate, then flash the hairs I want to remove. I’ve used it a few times on everything from my face to my feet and it has helped a lot. Massively reduced my ingrown hairs from shaving and the hairs that aren’t dead are much finer and softer so I can shave them faster and against the grain where I couldn’t before.

    I should note that it doesn’t work well for light hair or low contrast between the hair and the skin.

    For shaving I use a safety razor, one of the fancy ones from Henson Shaving. It basically eliminated my razor burn and the razors stay sharp way longer than the standard multiblade razors. I could shave dry with that thing (slowly).

    • DarkThoughts
      23 months ago

      Don’t bother with this shit. I tried it, it’s garbage and a massive waste of money. I have pale skin and dark hair, so technically the ideal type for it to work, and to an extent it does work, HOWEVER… It literally takes more time and effort than just shaving. I started with slightly more than the recommended amount of doing it every second day. This means a fresh shave on the whole body because you need to have them shaved for the IPL treatment. The IPL treatment itself took me like ~3 hours, excluding the time for shower + shaving before that, in very annoying & uncomfortable positions. It’s extremely exhausting to be quite honest and the light flashes would often trigger my migraines too. I went on like this for a couple months, some weeks longer than recommended, before reducing it, but while the hair growth was a little slower, it was far from hairless for a while. The recommended amount to “maintain” (again, it’s not permanent because you have to keep doing it) it was one every 2-4 weeks as per the manual, but I went down to one every week first as I wanted to make sure. Unfortunately, this was already not enough to maintain it. Spots of hair in various places would grow rapidly again and it became worse and worse over the weeks. At that point I eventually decided to just stop because of how much effort it was. If I have to waste like 9-12 hours per week to maintain this, then I might as well just shave. It did not even help with ingrown hair either because technically the hair is still there, it just grows a little slower and maybe a little finer.

      TLDR: IPL is an overpromising & overly expensive sham.