Afaik this happened with every single instance of a communist country. Communism seems like a pretty good idea on the surface, but then why does it always become autocratic?

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    Wow, the alternate reality you live in must not be littered with millions of bodies of the people Lenin and Stalin murdered.

    They were both monsters and, by every single definition, totalitarian dictators. But you keep on worshiping them

    • Cowbee [he/they]
      33 months ago

      What a horribly dismissive response to what I believe to be a well-thought out addressing of what I considered to be real concerns of yours. If you cannot honestly engage with clear Marxist analysis despite claiming to be speaking from a leftist perspective, and must strawman me as “worshipping” anyone in the face of said analysis, then you aren’t actually interested in truth nor leftism. Leftism becomes a fuel for whining on the internet for you, and not an actual practical tool for changing the horrible systems we live in.

      Can you honestly respond to my comment, or not?

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Okay, lets walk through the timeline here.

        The February Revolution kicks off, and the people win, one of the main demands is a democratically elected council who will write the new Russian constitution.

        A few months later, Lenin rolls into town fresh from his 17 year long exile and does everything he can to undermine both the Provisional Government, but also the Petrograd Soviets.

        The whole Duel Power thing was tenuous, and Lenin wanted more power, so he overthrew the provisional government. But he did allow the November elections of the Russian Constituent Assembly. The first and last free and open elections in Russia.

        But the Bolsheviks lost the election, threw a hissy fit, and banned the other political parties, disbanded the Assembly, and set themselves up as totalitarian rules of Russia, kicking off a civil war.

        Everything after that doesn’t fucking matter because it’s mostly lies. Lenin shutdown a democratically elected body because he lost. Then he set himself up as a dictator and banned any other political party.

        • Cowbee [he/they]
          3 months ago

          Lenin overthrew the bourgeois Capitalist government, the elections were already not free and fair, unless you believe the only ones that should be allowed to vote are men, among which the more privledged were the only ones allowed to participate. The Soviets were more free and fair, and moreover extended the right to vote to all, including women.

          Lenin didn’t overthrow Capitalism because “he wanted more power.” Lenin overthrew Capitalism because he was a dedicated Marxist and wanted to establish real worker control. It is painfully obvious that you have read none of Marx nor Engels nor Lenin. Moreover, Lenin was not a dictator, he was elected and could have been recalled at any time, as the Soviet System added that ability over the Provisional Government, which sought to retain bourgeois control.

          Do you consider yourself a Marxist? If not, why pretend to be an authority? If so, why haven’t you read Marx or responded to my direct explanations of Marxist theory?