Maybe I’m just face-blind or being dense but the photos from the scene of the crime look like a different dude than the ginning hostel check in guy. The jackets and backpacks are different. Although people can have multiple jackets and backpacks. We don’t see much of the shooters face but the eyebrows look different. Although, people can pluck/shave eyebrows. I guess the happy hostel guy would have come forward and been like “WTF?” and “I have an alibi” if it wasn’t him?

  • DarkThoughts
    1203 months ago

    Backpack & jacket type AND color are all different. The other dude even has his hood from a hoodie beneath the jacket while the first one has his hood from his jacket. Facially also completely different. I guess the NYPD has reached Reddit doxxing levels now.

    • xapr [he/him]
      303 months ago

      I guess the NYPD has reached Reddit doxxing levels now.

      Maybe they have always been at Reddit doxxing levels?

    • fistac0rpse
      83 months ago

      The killer seems pretty competent, having multiple jackets and backpacks and switching things up to make it harder to track him doesn’t seem unreasonable.

      • Pennomi
        393 months ago

        Having two dudes wearing similar stuff also doesn’t sound unreasonable. It’s really inconclusive and could do a shit ton of harm to an innocent person if the police got this wrong.

        • fistac0rpse
          33 months ago

          Totally agree, just saying that clothes are easy to change if you’re a motivated and competent killer. I trust the police about as far as they can shoot my dog from.

      • Ephera
        73 months ago

        I mean, surely you’d bring clothes that look a bit different, though…? As far as I’m able to tell, the only notable similarity between the two is that the clothes look superficially similar…

      • DarkThoughts
        33 months ago

        And what proof do you have of the killer doing that? The only reason they posted the other dude is because he has a vaguely similar outfit style (backpack + hood, which is incredibly common among younger people, especially during this type of weather). If I were the killer I’d not switch into similar clothes, but something completely different.

        • fistac0rpse
          13 months ago

          ?? I was talking purely in hypotheticals. Ain’t claiming anything, mate

          • DarkThoughts
            23 months ago

            Then be clear in what you’re saying, or better, don’t say anything, because no one asked about hypotheticals.

        • fistac0rpse
          23 months ago

          Why so aggressive? They might not be confused. They could just as easily be deliberately lying to frame someone else since the real killer is gone and that makes them look bad.

          • @leftzero
            23 months ago

            Hanlon’s razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

            That said, we’re talking cops here, who are notorious both for being malicious (ACAB) and stereotypically incompetent, often at the same time, so the usual odds (which massively favour incompetence, hence the adage) might not apply.

            Also, a lot of people feel sympathy for this particular murderer (and / or enough well justified, earned, and deserved antipathy towards the victim that it overcomes what antipathy towards murderers they might normally have), so they might be aggressive towards anyone who appears to favour him getting caught.

      • Fonzie!
        13 months ago

        I thought you were joking (missing /s) but judging by the comments you mean it?

        I don’t think this sounds plausible, no. You’d try to make yourself look completely every time if that were the case.