• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    From the Wikipedia article on rednecks:

    Coal miners

    The term “redneck” in the early 20th century was occasionally used in reference to American coal miner union members who wore red bandanas for solidarity. The sense of “a union man” dates at least to the 1910s and was especially popular during the 1920s and 1930s in the coal-producing regions of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.[18] It was also used by union strikers to describe poor white strikebreakers.[19]

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I like how you glossed over the entire first part of the article to try to prove me wrong lmao. Clown.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I originally got the info from a tiktok. It appears that while that meaning is correct it’s not the primary meaning of the term. I would have thought that leftist tiktokers would do at least some research before releasing a video but I guess not.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Did you even read my earlier correction? I said the term has had multiple meanings. The coal miners were in the 20th century, the farmer rednecks were earlier in the 19th century.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Nah I edited it because I did more research. The original source I had was from a leftist tiktoker who left out the original meaning of the term. It turns out if you search for videos like this you can find more than one talking about the redneck revolt.

            That being said I find it bizarre you can’t deal with the concept that a word has multiple meanings.

            Edit: Also why are you trying to say stuff like “Take the L”. The whole point of discussing these things is to learn or to inform, turning it into a competition is wrong and leads to bad faith behavior and antagonism for no reason.

            I found a misleading source of information that I should have verified ahead of time. I find it hard to believe you wouldn’t make the same mistake.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You tried to make it sound like I was incorrect. You read the whole article but chose to leave out the first section where I was right and then thought I wouldn’t go look at the Wikipedia article myself. Then you edited your comment to save face after I posted the first part of the article. You were trying to be manipulative but you failed hence the “take the L”. Now be gone.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                No, I tried to point out that it has multiple meanings, you tried to say it has only one meaning in your attempt at a correction. This is indeed incorrect and I was right to point this out. This is presumably because you didn’t know anything about the coal miners or the redneck revolt and didn’t want to be caught out as ignorant.

                I also haven’t read the whole article, because I don’t live in America and it’s not that important to me right now. I have read enough to know the information I was given was incomplete, and I have updated my statement and my views based upon the information I now have.

                You’re accusing me of manipulation based on zero evidence. The only person being manipulative here is you.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  I grew up in the town with the largest coal tipple in the world in 1920, I work for a company that produces gas detection for coal mines for the last hundred years. I know more about coal and rednecks than you can even fathom. You are the ignorant one and your failed attempt to manipulate upvotes or whatever your reasoning was for doing what you did was wack. We are done here.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    This should be a copypasta. Sure I don’t have the knowledge of coal mines that you do, but I wasn’t trying to be manipulative. I made a comment based on information I was given, I updated this when I found this was misleading. I responded to you based on what you wrote, not jumping to conclusions like you keep doing. How am I to know you are the god of coal or whatever you claim to be? You didn’t mention any of this before now and you could still be lying.

                    Yeah we are done here cause I am blocking you after this. You’re one of the most presumptive and arrogant people I have ever met and for what? No one cares about rednecks outside of America. Even in America their are lots of different people that call themselves rednecks with many different political positions. As for coal mines I sincerely hope they all get shut down, they are an environmental and humanitarian disaster on multiple levels.