• @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    I have never understood how we could come over to America, a land full of natural beauty, lush forests, majestic mountains, amazing waterfalls…and we decided that what would look WAAAAAAY better, is paved parking lots. Strip malls, walmarts, highways, and a trail of litter down Mt Everest. We’ve made Niagra Falls into a tourist trap, and sell corn dogs on the side of the road, so you can enjoy while your get misted by one of natures most amazing naturally formed wonders.

    Then, after spending all that money to pave the forests and build our disposable society, we refuse to even take care of what we built. So in addition to be covered in litter, the pavement is also paved and full of potholes that never get filled because of (blame the political party you don’t like).

    I once tried telling my friend to just stop for a second and think about it. We were standing in a parking lot, outside his apartment building. It was on top of a hill, that overlooked Lake Erie. It was a calm summer day. The wind had a gentile breeze. The shores were blue. There were wind surfers in the distance. The whole scene caught my eye. So I said “Wait…look.”

    And my friend is looking, like he’s searching for something out of place. He’s looking for the purpose. And says “I don’t see it…” and I said “Yes you do. You’re just not taking it in. Just take in the whole experience, and let’s live, in the moment. Like viewing an art disllay, but in person. Life will pass you by if you can’t appriciate the little things.”

    He got mad and said “C’mon Farris Bueller, let’s go.”

    He didn’t get it. A lot of people don’t get it. Sometimes you gotta just look at a lake.