Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Id say we repalce millionares, politicians and all of the leadership with A.I. Im convinced that it will pretty much save us from ourselves, or at least from ashole leadership since they are not capable of making decisions for the greater good, specially when it comes to inequality and global warming. Democracy is a lie, we are playing a videogame and we are the little brother with an unpluged controler being made to think that we are playing, but we are not and the controller is just so that we dont riot.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      AI simply reproduces the world it has obtained all its content from. It’s not intelligent in any way, shape or form. It’s a system perpetuator and it’s not going to save you.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        But we are close, and it could probably do a better job than the leadership that we have right now if we feed it with the right data. But when i mean A.I. i dont mean language models or machine learning, I mean the singularity type thing that can get better and realize when its failing so that it can correct it and itself.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          We’re not close at all. It’s good at some well-defined tasks, that’s all. It is not intelligent, it cannot think, it is not capable of ruling the world and neither should we want it to. “Hey, here’s all the fucking terrible decisions humans have made in the past, copy them.”

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I say that we should feed it diferent data and tune its performance before we set it out, of course we are not gonna put chat gpt as it is as the president and pray, of course not, and yes its not inteligent, neither are our leaders, but it would be able to control logistics amd enforce a judiciary system in a fair way . I think that you are simply not open to that idea and i respect that since there are a lot of risks to the A.I. thing, like it going full skynet on us, but imho it shouldnt do that unless we explicitly program it to destroy all humans, and you cant denny that the cycle of corruption with human leadership is just gonna continue no matter what system or people we put on the kings throne, and given time it will always fail or default into tyrany and fascism. Communism is unacheabable, they never get past the dictatorship part, democracy (even if voting actually did something) ends up defaulting into a popularity contest and the masses in all honestly can be terribly wrong be it by willingly having bad hatefull takes or by being manipulated, and i think i really shouldnt explain why tyrany or fascism are wrong, and anarchic comunities work only in a very small scale like tribes or small villages and even then they are usually reigned by religious believes and traditions. You could have something going with social democracies, but the problem of corruption is always present, and it suffers the same problem as democracies. The only thing that might work is the warhamer thing with the god emperor, (stick with me, im serious on this one) in like the golden age of humanity, since by ourselves we are never acheaving unity, we would need an all powerfull figure to trully unite us all, and since we dont have magical psichic neandertals, and religion is a no go, id say that an omnipresesnt benevolent, A.I. is the next best thing.