It really depends on your needs for sure. My linux systems have been rock solid. Been windows free for years. But i absolutely know people who have workloads that break seemingly weekly on linux. Like say example android emulation. Easy on windows, bluestacks. On linux? Lots of options from waydroid to blissOS on qemu but they break fucking constantly
When it works, it works great. But almost every update for me and my friend completely breaks waydroid and it will just refuse to boot stuck at the linage booting animation for eternity. Been trying to get him on stable android it’s the only thing he misses from windows but it’s been a chore
It really depends on your needs for sure. My linux systems have been rock solid. Been windows free for years. But i absolutely know people who have workloads that break seemingly weekly on linux. Like say example android emulation. Easy on windows, bluestacks. On linux? Lots of options from waydroid to blissOS on qemu but they break fucking constantly
While I can’t speak for others I use Waydroid and it is pretty solid.
When it works, it works great. But almost every update for me and my friend completely breaks waydroid and it will just refuse to boot stuck at the linage booting animation for eternity. Been trying to get him on stable android it’s the only thing he misses from windows but it’s been a chore