It’s a bit dated since it was written in the wake of Kerry’s defeat rather than Harris’s, but that aside, it’s discouragingly (or cynically amusingly) relevant, and could just as easily have been written today.


  • @scarabine
    103 months ago

    Coincidentally, the last time I was this pissed off at Democrats was because of Kerry. He had all the fight of a wet paper bag. After the election, when he immediately conceded, I had a sudden realization that if he couldn’t even put up a mild struggle against the Swift Boat shit, there was no chance he’d stick up for the country.

    People want fighters, and frankly, we deserve one. I understand anyone who votes for someone willing to fight. That’s who you want, after all: someone at the top who will dig in and do the damn thing. It’s a damn shame the corrupt and con men were the first to figure this basic fucking thing out.