My favourite faction has to be the funny greenskins. The orks are just so chaotic and funny to me, I never get tired of seeing them on screen.

I mean, a bunch of cockney bois slapdashing shit together that shouldn’t work, and ACTUALLY being a threat is a interesting concept to me.

And that they love the simple life of krumpin some gitz.

What about you, you zoggin meatsack, what’s your faction of choice and why?

  • FaceDeer
    52 months ago

    The Olamic Quietude. A colony of transhumanists just doing their own thing for fifteen thousand years, developing some really spiffy tech and not being afraid of technology. Then the Imperium shows up and wipes them out.

    I know the Imperium has done a lot of BS, but that one sticks in my mind for some reason. I really wish the Quietude had survived somehow.