• Kara
    731 year ago

    These videos are approved to be shown to children in Florida.

    I am honestly scared for the next generation of children who believe that slavery wasn’t that bad, and whatever other bullshit Prageru preaches

    • GunnarRunnar
      311 year ago

      The divide between those who eat this bullshit and those who were responsibly raised will be fucking wild. Like think about that one dude in your life that hadn’t heard about ‘X’, a thing that’s common knowledge, and how baffling that was but now it’s nonstop bafflement with a certain percentage of population.

      • @[email protected]
        211 year ago

        It’ll be like the “States’ Rights” people, but infinitely worse. Being raised in the south, you’re taught that the civil war was over states’ rights, not slavery. That slavery was just the one that historians tended to latch onto, because it’s the most inflammatory topic and makes the south look bad.

        And if you’re a good student and don’t bother to question that, you’ll enter the adult world believing that the south wasn’t fighting for slavery.

        • Givesomefucks
          -101 year ago

          I mean, the war didn’t start because the North wanted to end slavery in the South…

          It started because the federal government wouldn’t force northern states who had abolished slavery to return escaped slaves to Southern states.

          The part about abolishing slavery nationwide didn’t come up until the war was going on, and that was more an economic sanction than anything else.

          So it really did start because of state rights, it’s just it was the northern states fighting for that and the Southern States wanting a federal government that was willing to force states to do stuff.

          • Flying Squid
            101 year ago

            Then it’s weird that all the articles of secession for all the states that seceded mention slavery right at the top.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            … States rights to do what?

            You have to admit the language used in your last paragraph is pretty telling

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              States’ rights to act as a sanctuary for escaped slaves. Did you not even read the comment you replied to?

          • ThunderingJerboa
            1 year ago

            I’m not sure about that. I think it was more started on the fact that it was clear the Republicans at the time were aiming not to abolish slavery but to stop its expansion. Which in political terms means slave states were basically fucked as more states were introduced. Many people see Bleeding Kansas as a prelude to the civil war because it was about seeing if a new territory will be pro or anti slavery. Like yes the southern states were hypocrites about states rights but from their perspective* however skewed that was. The threat of anti slavery was expanding while those who were sympathetic to it were losing power in house and senate. So secession/war over slavery was inevitable, it was merely a can the founding fathers sort of kicked down the road for others to figure out.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Like, I get the idea that they thought ending slavery outright would shortly follow, but that was easily 50+ years away. By seceding and then initiating an attack on the US, all they did was bring about the end of it more decisively and quickly. If they hadn’t overreacted, things would’ve stayed the same for an unfortunately long time.

              • ThunderingJerboa
                21 year ago

                I wouldn’t say fifty years. I mean there were 2 states added to the US in 6 years from 1861 (Nevada and Nebraska, I am not including West Virginia since they wouldn’t have existed in a non civil war scenario). I think they saw it as a beginning of the end for them and their oh so loved “WaY Of LiFe” so they struck out when they were in theory at their strongest.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        You mean kind of like science deniers like flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers and regular people?

        The divide already happened.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Do you have a word or words that you’ve said more times than any other during the past few years? Because I do, and it’s “I’m so glad I never had kids”

        I get that we need more people raising children on purpose to help guide them into being productive* members of society, but I’m not trying to subject my kids to that. So sorry, y’all on your own. I’ll keep voting for schools and shit.

        *Productive as in a decent person, not productive for an employer or church or something

    • TheSaneWriter
      151 year ago

      That generation of Floridians is going to be seriously messed up. This could be a real problem (or maybe Florida will be destroyed by the Climate Crisis before it manifests, who knows).

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          What’s ironic is that the decline of Florida will probably lead to their government throwing money at corporations to build there. The corps will bite, but they’ll need intelligent and skilled workers to actually run their business. They aren’t going to find that in Florida. They’ll have to woo people from outside of Florida to move there, which will be a tough sell. If they can’t get enough people, the corporations will leave too, and Florida will become so bad that liberals in neighboring states will be weighing the ethics of refusing Floridian refugees.

          Let’s say though that the corporations do manage to find workers from elsewhere. Those workers will live in newly constructed luxury homes with brand new, reliable infrastructure. They won’t bother with places outside of their bubble unless they also become gentrified. This would create a demand for workers in these new, fancy places. And so, Floridians will find themselves either serving an outsider upper class, or taking orders from outsider managers and senior workers. They’ll become a servant lower class to an upper class of other Americans.

          Don’t get me wrong, this is fucked up, and it’s going to hurt the common folk, not the politicians who deserve it. It’s tragic.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        They’ve got enough money that they can make the climate problems in Florida everybody else’s problem, unfortunately.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      And when they turn crazy because they won’t know what to believe anymore, Republicans will blame drag queens for that.