Should be tasty, filling, and have 5 or less ingredients, preferably easy to prepare.

Chicken Parmesean


  • Chicken (burger) patties
  • Marinara
  • shredded cheese


  1. Bake patties at 420 for around 15-17 minutes on each side (flip and put back in, 30-35 minutes total)
  2. cut up patties into many bite-sized pieces
  3. Put pieces in mason jar and add shredded cheese and marinara and shake the hell out of it
  4. Eat out of mason jar with fork
  • southsamurai
    62 months ago

    Ahhh, yeah, give me a bit. I’m not able to really do it up right now, but I’ll be settled in soonish. I’ll do it as a response to your comment here.