Lots of actors whose work you appreciated lost their homes. I’m not defending rich people, but many of these folks actually earned it, not all inherited or squatted on wealth. Anthony Hopkins, Cary Elwes, John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, Billy Crystal among others lost homes. I’m sure a lot of amazing Hollywood memorabilia went up in flames too.
E: Why the negativity? Just generic hating on rich people with no nuance? I draw the line at when people use their wealth, personally or politically, to put downward pressure on people’s wages, benefits, and quality of life, doubly so if they personally benefit from it like getting a bonus for layoffs. I don’t hate on someone winning at life as long as they aren’t keeping others down to win more. If you want to hate on wealth save it for the execs trying to use AI to put these people out of a job. People like Goodman walked the line to support their unions. Show a little flexibility before you throw more torches on the fire.
Unless all of their net worth burned up in the fire it might be difficult for some people to feel bad for them when they’ll just buy another house from their luxury hotel room, or more likely, second or third home.
I enjoy the work of those people, and will gladly offer token sympathy, but all of them have multiple homes and will be just fine. So I’m not going to waste my concern on them.
Some of them are using this opportunity to bring attention to the many people for whom this disaster is actually life-destroying, and that’s where we should focus.
Lots of actors whose work you appreciated lost their homes. I’m not defending rich people, but many of these folks actually earned it, not all inherited or squatted on wealth. Anthony Hopkins, Cary Elwes, John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, Billy Crystal among others lost homes. I’m sure a lot of amazing Hollywood memorabilia went up in flames too.
E: Why the negativity? Just generic hating on rich people with no nuance? I draw the line at when people use their wealth, personally or politically, to put downward pressure on people’s wages, benefits, and quality of life, doubly so if they personally benefit from it like getting a bonus for layoffs. I don’t hate on someone winning at life as long as they aren’t keeping others down to win more. If you want to hate on wealth save it for the execs trying to use AI to put these people out of a job. People like Goodman walked the line to support their unions. Show a little flexibility before you throw more torches on the fire.
They all have enough to recover with ease, aside from a few lost artworks and memorabilia.
Except the things that cant be replaced with money.
Your kids first shoes, wedding photos, family heirlooms, the funny thing about rich people is that they are still people.
Things are just things.
How did you know I liked all of those actors’ work? I feel predictable
Unless all of their net worth burned up in the fire it might be difficult for some people to feel bad for them when they’ll just buy another house from their luxury hotel room, or more likely, second or third home.
I enjoy the work of those people, and will gladly offer token sympathy, but all of them have multiple homes and will be just fine. So I’m not going to waste my concern on them.
Some of them are using this opportunity to bring attention to the many people for whom this disaster is actually life-destroying, and that’s where we should focus.
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